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Take a Seat Coke, Pepsi – Five Other Liquid Loves from Around the World


In the words of Chicago’s Billy Goat owner, “Coke, no Pepsi.” Everyone has their thirst quencher of choice. Coke and Pepsi are popular soft drink choices in the United States and maybe North America. However, you won’t find that in every country in the world.

Here are a few places where other non-alcoholic refreshments reign supreme. Do you know of any others? I conducted my own taste test. They are all slightly carbonated except for the Vimto. While different, these soft drinks have two things in common. First, they all claim to cure that common hangover. Second, these beverages, so ingrained as part of the local culture, represent national pride. So, if you find yourself in one of these countries, don’t be afraid to give them a taste.

Guarana Antarctica (Brazil)

Guarana Antarctica is a favorite in Brazil. I can see why. It is produced from the guarana berry. Guarana berries are found deep in the Amazon rain forest of South America. This one is not too sweet. However, I should qualify that. It is not too sweet certainly as compared to the next three. Guarana Antarctica looks like ginger ale and tastes like a light cream soda.

Inca Kola (Peru)


Inca Kola sits atop the pedestal in Peru as everyone’s favorite. Created in 1935 by an English couple living in Peru, Inca Kola immediately captured the hearts of Peruvians. Its lemony color is reminiscent of Rock Star. The taste, well, is a bit overwhelming. Some people compare it to bubble gum. Yes, I would agree. That is definitely true. It not only tastes like bubble gum but smells like bubble gum also. There is no denying it is like scooping a spoonful of sugar directly into one’s mouth. Sugar may even be less sweet. Seriously, though, this stuff is loved by the locals.

Irn Bru (Scotland)

Irn Bru’s label reads “brewed in Scotland to a secret recipe since 1901.” This soft drink also smells sweet. Plus, it tastes as sweet as Inca Kola. The mild orange flavor is not “blow me away orange” but rather a milder flavor. It claims to boost energy. Regarded as a national drink in Scotland, it ranks second after whisky. Sometimes, the two are even combined. I, however, prefer a beer to accompany my haggis when visiting Scotland.

Vimto Squash (Saudi Arabia)


Vimto Squash is a concentrated mixed fruit juice drink with flavorings, sugar, and sweeteners. Therefore, by itself, it is extremely sweet. It is a blend of grapes, raspberries, and black currants. It contains 10% mixed fruit juices from concentrates. Vimto specifically states to dilute one part of Vimto with four parts water. I am bias on this one because I am a berry lover, but I need to dilute it for sure.

Maltextrakt and Appelsin (Iceland)


I tried Egils Maltextrakt and Egils Appelsin on my trip to Iceland and found them delightful. Icelanders (at least the ones I spoke to) swear by mixing the two to clear cobwebs from “a morning after.” However, traditionally, the concoction is considered a special drink for holidays.

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